The Hidden Curriculum of Quarantine and the Start of Something New

Eagle Eye Astrology

Many people are getting the feeling that this quarantine has unique and potent curriculum for all of us.   Aside from forcing us to learn to live with a great deal of uncertainty, I am hearing more people talk about taking up new forms of exercise or meditation, or those who are dusting off their former hobbies, or new ones they are now finally exploring or discovering.  I am certainly in this category and I am a little embarrassed to admit that the teacher and introvert in me was sort of giddy at first.

A few months ago, after listening to some podcasts, I got curious to learn more about the Tarot. When I used to think of tarot I imagined the gypsy woman in a tent with crystal ball, laying out cards on a table and while dramatically telling people their futures to take their money.  I never thought of…

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